Thursday, September 11, 2014

How To Fight Negative SEO?

Negative SEO is using the black hat SEO tricks to bring down the competitors’ site on the search engine. Once the site tanks in the perpetrator site ranks high in the search results. Many website have suffered negative SEO and it is possible to damage a great deal if not completely destroy the site. The basic idea is to make the competitor site appear as spammer which will then be penalized and de-ranked or completely removed from the search pages. 

There are some benign  Negative SEO tactics such as posting negative comments in the guest forums. Then the assault is increased and along with negative comments and malicious spamming backlinks. The links are increased gradually. Now when the search engine indexes the page, it finds spamming links which results in penalizing by the search engine. The more sophisticated technique involves tricking the search engine webcrawler with the DOS attack. The site is choked with errors, once the errors increase the limit of 500. the Googlebot will remove the page from index.

Following are few steps which could help you cope with negative seo: Turn on the Google Webmaster Tool Alert (GWT). This is the first line of defense. It will let you know if about spamming and also tell you if Googlebot can’t access your site. Turn on GWT by going to Webmaster Tools ­ Preferences and turn on notification for all issues.

Then you should constantly monitor your backlinks through software such as Ahrefs, Open Site Explorer, Link Research Tools, or Google Webmaster Tools. Third, you should remove and disavow the malicious, spammy backlinks. You can request removal or write in disavow.txt. You can request Google about spammy backlinks. If you are sure who the culprit is then speak up.

Talk to them and if they don’t seem to care than speak to the world and tell about their nefarious activity. The last step is the most important one. Improve your content. Create powerful, attractive, interesting and genuine content to fight back the spam attack. Hope with these defensive techniques you will win the battle against the negative SEO preparatory.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Google Introduces New Search Box Within The Search Results--Google New Update

Google has announced its new Update. Undoubtedly, it is the most used search engine on the web. The ease of use and the spectacular web and search design help users find the relevant information within fraction of the seconds. The most promising thing about Google is that they keep on improving on their services instead of copying from other sites. This strategy works similar to evolution in the way that the best service climbs up the ladder of sophistication until it becomes unparalleled. The new search box within the search results is the improved version of search box. When the search box will appear in the search results it will direct the users to reach the specific content on your site through your own site-search pages.

The Application Of The Search Box and How Can I Use It?

When the users are searching for your site through your company’s name they might be looking something very specific on your site. In the past, when the Google’s search engine’s algorithm would recognize this, it would display a search box below the search results with more search results from the sites. This box would allow the users to do site: searches on the site from the search result page. For example, (site: Now, this site search box is more prominent. It is located right above the search results. It has auto complete. And with right markup it will direct users to the pages with the search page result of your own site.

How to use Markup for my site? The first thing needed is working site-specific search engine for your site. If you have this, let the Google know through marking up your homepage as Site with the potential Action property of the Action markup. It could be done using JSON-LD, microdata and RDFa. To know how to implement it fully, check the full implementation detail on Google’s developer site.

With the markup on your site, the users would be able to jump from the site-links search box to the site’s search results page. If the Google doesn't find the markup then Google search page for the corresponding site: query page, as it has been up till now.

About Me

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I am Ghayoor Shaikh i am SEO Consultant I have more than 7 years experience in SEO.